“Making a splash at 70.” Meet Ron.

Since moving to Ashbourne Lodge in Derbyshire, Ron has experienced a positive transformation in his mood and sense of purpose. He’s trying new things and experiences, but it wasn’t always like that. Stacy, Ashbourne Lodge’s Wellbeing Facilitator, tells Ron’s story…

Born and raised in Ashbourne, Ron loves reminiscing about the past and sharing his stories with others. However, despite his happy and chatty demeanour, he initially preferred the solitude of his room over socialising or joining in on the care home’s activities.

Getting Ron to leave his room, even for meals, was a challenge at first. However, with gentle encouragement, he occasionally joined group exercises and ventured into the garden for fresh air. The turning point in Ron’s journey came earlier this year when we began taking some of our residents swimming. One morning, I asked Ron if he’d like to join us. To my surprise, he admitted that he’d never swum before and didn’t even own swim trunks.

Ron seemed nervous at the prospect, confessing that he’d never been in a pool, the sea, or any body of water. I reassured him, saying, “It’s never too late to give it a go and see what you think. You never know, you might enjoy it.” Ron agreed to try, and I purchased some swim trunks for him. Later that week, we ventured to the pool with several other residents.

As Ron dipped his toes into the swimming pool for the first time, he was visibly anxious. We held his hands, guiding him around the shallow end to help him familiarise himself with the water. He mentioned feeling funny when looking down into the water, as the floor seemed to move. I explained that it was just the ripples and that he would get used to it. During that session, and on the next visit, Ron clung to the bar along the pool’s edge.

Fast forward a few weeks, and Ron now looks forward to swimming with us every other week. It’s heartwarming to see how much his confidence has grown since that first session. He has let go of the bar and uses a swimming noodle to navigate the water. We even play a ball game in the pool, which has significantly boosted his confidence. Ron’s newfound love for swimming has become a source of pride for him. 

Ron has regular appointments with the health visitor who has said that his strength in his arms and legs has improved. He even shared with them that he is learning to swim at the age of 70, which is something he never imagined he’d do.

Since attending our swimming sessions, Ron’s mental wellbeing has significantly improved and his mood has also lifted. He still continues to be chatty, but he now makes a bee-line to talk to certain residents which he didn’t before. Ron also continues to build his courage while in the water, enjoying his time with other residents and socialising with the staff. His story is a testament to the power of trying new things and stepping out of his comfort zone, regardless of age.

Back at Ashbourne Lodge, we still encourage Ron to participate in other activities, and his enthusiasm is inspiring to everyone around him. 

For more information about Ashbourne Lodge and how they can help your loved one, contact 01335 301400 or email them at ashbourne@milfordcare.co.uk.

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