Our Complaints Process

Our Complaints Process

We are continually striving to provide our residents and their families with high quality service so your opinion is extremely important to us.

We actively seek your opinion in a number of ways

Meetings and resident involvement

We hold meetings throughout the year with residents and their families to chat through any compliments or concerns. These meetings are kept on record and are used as a valuable tool to improve our service. They range from subjects such as menus, to activities, to interiors. We’re all ears!

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, group meetings with families have been put on hold until further notice. However, if you’d like to discuss any points above, feel free to contact the home directly or email our head office on feedback@milfordcare.co.uk. 

Reviews process

We always appreciate honest feedback so we supply surveys to residents, relatives, visiting professionals and staff, which are followed up with action plans which are displayed in the home. We also supply carehome.co.uk review cards which are displayed on carehome.co.uk and help others, like yourselves, find a caring, supportive home for a loved one. If you’d like one of these cards, please contact the home’s admin team.

Alternatively you can always send us a review to our email address, feedback@milfordcare.co.uk. All feedback is read and dealt with in the appropriate manner.

Our open door policy

Your loved one’s Home Manager is a busy bee and is usually found flying between helping people feel settled, supporting and leading staff, or dancing to tunes with the residents. Despite this, the home managers are always happy to have a phone call or sit down with a cuppa for a pre-arranged chat.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, visits with managers in the home have been suspended until further notice. However, feel free to call the Home Manager with the home’s dedicated phone number.


We feel there are lots of opportunities to talk through concerns, however, if you feel we could do something better or you’d like to make a complaint, please talk to your Home Manager in the first instance so we have the opportunity to put it right for you. If you are still not satisfied, please contact our Care and Development Manager, Kara Gratton on 07776237695 or our Nurse Quality Manager, Julia Davies, on 07511133697. You can also email them on complaints@milfordcare.co.uk.

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