The Milford Care Group, a family ran business, which owns and operates care homes across the East Midlands is helping to improve the local economy, through direct and indirect employment.

A recent report commissioned by Skills for Care and Development has revealed that adult social care employers contribute £46.2bn to the UK economy. For the 2017/18 financial year, Milford Care contributed just over £5 million in total gross payroll costs for all their homes.

Milford Care has five care homes across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, with a sixth set to open later this year, further highlighting the success of the sector and providing even more job opportunities in the area.

The recent Skills for Care report states that there an estimated 1.8 million jobs in the care sector, representing 6% of the UK’s workforce, with most of these involving the provision of domiciliary care as well as support services.
Milford Care currently employs 400 people, the majority of who come from the local area. This includes carers who make up 54% of the workforce, nurses, catering staff, domestic support, and office roles such as managers, activities co-ordinators and admin support.

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Skills for Care and Development chair, Dame Moira Gibb said: “This report highlights the importance of social care not only as provider of services to our fellow citizens when they need it, but our sector’s importance as a provider of jobs in local economies across the country where much of the money is spent.”

As well as direct employees, Milford Care employs the services of numerous local tradesmen for the refurbishment and maintenance work at all its homes, and last year contributed over £800,000 to the economy through agency staff and contractors Milford Care hire.

“The care sector does a lot for our economy and it is positive news that this is being recognised.” said Pierre Falleth, director of the Milford Care Group, “These positive stories are important as there are too many negative stories out there. As a group, we do a huge amount of good, both for the residents and for the local economy through employment of local people, which we are really proud of.”

With both the care sector and Milford Care continuing to grow, and the newest care home in the group opening in Hucknall later this year, there is set to be even more employment opportunities at Milford Care. All vacancies are advertised on the Milford Care website and the company regularly advertises on Facebook and Twitter.

“At Milford Care we’re constantly on the look-out for fresh talent to join our team.” added Pierre.

Pierre Falleth – Director, Milford Care Group

“We have an outstanding reputation, supported by winning Employer of the Year award at the Great British Care Awards, and are dedicated to delivering a high standard of training and investment in our staff members’ professional development.”

The findings of the Skills for Care and Development report along with the figures from Milford Care, provide evidence that the care sector is vital not just for its social care impact but for the significant economic contribution that adult social care makes across the UK, including here in the East Midlands, where Milford Care proves It is a key employer in the area.